Immune System & Cold
Koflet SF (Sugar Free), Himalaya Wellness, 100 ml
Helps soothe mucous membrane irritation and dry throat. Helps liquefy and clear mucus. Sugar-free.
- dry cough
- irritating cough
- dry throat
- sugar free
Koflet-EX, Himalaya Wellness, 100 ml
Helps soothe throat irritation and release mucus. For healthy lungs.
Multipurpose cream, Himalaya Wellness, 20 g
Multipurpose cream gently soothes and helps prevent infection. It has beneficial effect on small cuts, wounds, light burns, etc.
Koflet Syrup, Himalaya Wellness, 100 ml
Helps soothe irritation of the mucous membrane and soothe a dry throat. Helps liquefy and expel secretions.
- dry cough
- irritating cough
Gasex, Himalaya Wellness, 50 Tabs
Gasex relieves occasional upset stomach for those stressful days of eating too fast without chewing and supports the expultion of trapped gases in the guts. It aids in healthy nourishment as it improves the assimilation of digested nutrients.
Chyavanprash, Maharishi Ayurveda, 450 g
Chyavanprash, a food supplement, has a base of fully ripe Amla fruit (Amalaki, Emblica officinalis ), with high quality natural herbs, ghee, honey and other potent ingredients, all very carefully harvested in the best and most authentic Himalayan regions and other parts of India. In the classical Ayurvedic texts Amalaki is one of the most highly valued and important Rasayanas, with a rare combination of positive properties. In the authentic Ayurvedic texts Amalaki is even described as a “divine healing plant”.
- The Amla fruit contains a high proportion of vitamin C.
- Chyavanprash is considered in Ayurveda as a Rasayana that boosts Agni* and is known as “Parmaukto Rasayana” which directs Vayu* in a natural direction. (*see note).
- Maharishi Ayurveda Original Chyavanprash is made according to the ancient Charak Samahita recipe and contains the precious Bamboo Manna called Vanshlochan.
- Lab-tested
- Free from heavy metals and toxins
- Pesticide, gluten, lactose
- Non-GMO
- No added colours, flavours and additives
Vitamin C contributes to the normal functioning of the immune system and the protection of cells from oxidative stress.
made with pure and original Vanshlochan (Original Vanshlochan is a herbal silica concentrate obtained from internodes of the special bamboo trees, which makes the Chyavanprash even more effective)
has 36.5% RDA (Recommended Dietary Allowance of Vitamin C)
Contribution to health
Chyavanprash has the following properties:
- Amalaki contains five of six tastes (except salty): sweet, sour, pungent, bitter and astringent.
- It balances the three doshas of the body (Tridoshik).
- Balances Agni* (Digestive Fire) and enhances Ojas
What Ayurveda says
- Chyavanprash is an ancient Rasayana in Ayurveda and a blend of precious herbs, minerals and spices.
- According to Ayurveda, it balances all the three doshas, provides ojas*, removes ama* and nourishes all dhatus. Supports agni* and provides bala*.
- The honey and ghee contained serve as yogavahis (catalytic agents) to carry the herbs, while the raw cane sugar is considered a samvahaka and sarvrakshaka dravya (preservative substance) which helps to preserve the effectiveness of the product.
- This age-old formulation is suitable for all age groups.
Specific features of our raw materials and processing methods
Ingredients are sourced from plants grown sustainably in an ideal climate, soil and organic cultivation.
Original Chyavanprash is pesticide-free and free from toxic heavy metals.
Our Chyavanprash undergoes stringent physico-chemical analysis and microbiological examination.
For the Cold Season, Maharishi Ayurveda, 20 tabs
During the cold season, Ayurveda recognizes that the body requires specific nourishment to stay strong and healthy despite harsh weather conditions. This unique herbal formula is designed to naturally maintain a harmonious balance. Its primary ingredient is tulsi (holy basil), which Ayurveda attributes with warming and spicy properties. These qualities help to reduce Vata and Kapha, clear mucus, and support respiratory health.
The blend also includes hyssop (Hyssopus officinalis) and Pistacia integerrhima, both long-valued in Ayurveda for their benefits to the respiratory system, along with other beneficial herbs.
This high-quality rasayana combines holy basil, liquorice, ginger, galangal, various types of pepper, and other pure herbal components, crafted using traditional Ayurvedic methods. It’s a perfect way to stay balanced and enjoy all seasons with vitality.
Septilin Syrup, Himalaya, 100 ml
Septilin supports normal immune function. Thus it supports management of upper and lower respiratory tract problems and allergic disorders.
Tulsi, 100% natural, Maharishi Ayurveda, 60 tabs х 480 mg
Tulsi (Ocimum sanctum) is also known as Indian Basil or Holi Basil. In Ayurveda, it is also called “The Incomparable One,” “Mother Medicine of Nature” and “The Queen of Herbs,” because of its numerous supporting properties.
Tulsi is also known to balance the Kapha and Vata dosha. According to Ayurvedic texts, daily consumption of Tulsi herb is said to promote general well-being, support longevity and help with stress management, among other benefits.
- 100% vegan
- Lab-tested
- Free from heavy metals & toxins
- Pesticide, gluten, lactose & sugar free
- No added colours, flavours & artificial additives
- Non-GMO
Cold Relief Balm, Himalaya Wellness, 10 g
Cold Balm is a soothing balm that helps relieve nasal and chest congestion. It supports management of headaches and body aches associated with cold.
Immunrich - Supports normal functions of Immune system, Charak Pharma, 60 vegetarian capsules
Supports normal functions of Immune system
60 Vegetarian Capsules
Chyavanprash 500 g, Himalaya Wellness, 500 g
Himalaya Chyavanaprasha is an unique combination of ancient wisdom and modern science. It is made from an age-old recipe under strict supervision. Its natural ingredients are tested to ensure the highest levels of purity.